ada 3 Jenis diantaranya insomnia:
1. Jenis transient (artinya cepat berlalu), oleh karena itu insomnia jenis ini hanya terjadi beberapa malam saja.
2. Jenis Jangka pendek. Jenis dapat belangsung sampai beberapa minggu dan biasanya akan kembali seperti biasa.
3. Jenis kronis (atau parah) gangguan tidak dapat tidur berlangsung le bih dari 3 minggu.
Penyebab Insomnia
Insomnia adalah gejala seperti juga gejala panas atau sakit kepala, penyebab Insomnia mencakup :
1. Faktor Psikologi :
Stres yang berkepanjangan paling sering menjadi penyabab dari Insomnia jenis kronis, sedangkan berita-berita buruk gagal rencana dapat menjadi penyebab insonia transient.
2. Problem Psikiatri:
Depresi paling sering ditemukan. Kamu bangun lebih pagi dari biasanya yang tidak kamu ingini, adalah gejala paling umum dari awal depresi, Cemas, Neorosa, dan gangguan psikologi lainnya sering menjadi penyebab dari gangguan tidur.
3 Sakit Fisik
Sesak nafas pada orang yang terserang asma, sinus, flu sehingga hidung yang tersumbat dapat merupakan penyebab gangguan tidur.
Selama penyebab fisik atau sakit fisik tersebut belum dapat ditanggulangi dengan baik, gangguan tidur atau sulit tidur akan dapat tetap dapat terjadi.
4, Faktor Lingkungan
Lingkungan yang bising seperti lingkungan lintasan pesawat jet, lintasan kereta api, pabrik atau bahkan TV tetangga dapat menjadi faktor penyebab susah tidur.
5, Gaya Hidup
Alkohol , rokok, kopi, obat penurun berat badan, jam kerja yang tidak teratur, juga dapat menjadi faktor penyebab sulit tidur.
Cara mengatasi Insomnia
1. Tidurlah hanya sebanyak yang kamu perlukan untuk istirahat, atau untuk menyegarkan badan pada saat bangun tidur.
2. Miliki jadwal tidur yang reguler dan rasional
3. Jangan bekerja saat hendak tidur
4. Buat udara kamar tidur segar dengan ventilasi yang baik.
5. Kurangi suara yang tidak menyenangkan, kurang cahaya yang tidak diperlukan.
6. Jangan tidur dengan kondisi kamu lapar, sehingga akan membuat kamu terbangun nantinya hanya karena ingin mencari makanan.
7. Hindari minuman yang mengandung kafein, seperti pada kopi, cola, teh dan coklat.
8. Percayakanlah saat waktu bangun kamu pada alarm jam kamu.Dengan sering melihat jam di kamar akan mempengaruhi reaksi emosi.
9. Olah raga ringan 6 jam sebelum tidur.
Olah raga aerobik selama 20 menit dapat meningkatkan suhu dan metabolisme badan dan akan menurun kembali sekitar 6 jam kemudian. Penurunan metabolisme dan suhu badan dapat memungkinkan tidur nyenyak.
10.Hilangkan segala kecemasan , pikiran tentang rencana besok, pikiran tentang tugas yang belum selesai.
11.Pendekatan Relaksasi yang paling banyak dipakai adalah :
Relaksasi Progresif dengan menegangnya otot, kita belajar merasakan ketegangan tersebut, kemudian sampai kita dapat merasakan sensasi kebalikannya yaitu relaksasi.
Berikut ini cara melakukan latihan relaksasi progresif. Relaksasi mencakup latihan pernapasan melalui perut adalah tehnik relaksasi yang paling mudah dipelajari.
Tariklah napas melalui hidung dengan tenang perlahan sambil rasakan aliran udara yang melalui hidung dengan cara mengembangkan perut tanpa menggerakkan dada.
Sekiranya cukup udara yang dihirup , berhentilah sejenak dan rasakan kenyamanan dan ketenangan.
Setelah dirasakan cukup buanglah napas dengan perlahan-lahan tenang dengan mengempiskan perut secara perlahan dan tenang dan rasakan kelegaan dan pembebasan dari beban emosi yang ada.
Senin, 15 November 2010
Sabtu, 13 November 2010
1. Pay-Per Sale Affiliate Program
In this theorem, we will benefit if someone buys a product through our affiliate links. Examples of such transports ordinary produkyang marketed using this method is to sell ebooks or perisian. Usually, a gain of 80%. This advantage is usually determined by the affiliate merchants. There is also an affiliate merchants who set up their profits will pay less than 50%.
2. Returning Affiliate Program
In the program repeatedly, merchants affliate will provide benefits to us on a regular basis or periodically. Usually the program is offered to us because it comes with a product with a monthly fee. Examples are such as web hosting, autoresponder, or web site membership as class affiliation Despite the benefits obtained in small quantities but the program still provides benefits to us. why? This is because, we are able to receive benefits while paying subscribers each month. For example, we lihataffiliate class. To accompany this program we need to pay every month provided the product as much as $ 47. If we want to benefit from what we do, we only promote affiliate links using the class affiliation. Where if there are customers who like the class through a link afffiliate our affiliates, we will receive a profit every month.
3. Pay Per Lead Affiliate Program
Pay-per-lead type of affiliate programs that receive benefits for each prospect (lead) with certain eligibility that we bring to the merchant website through your affiliate link. Affiliate merchants will decide there are leads that we carry meet the requirements they set or not.
4. Pay-Per-Click Affiliate Program
Pay-Per-Click Affiliate Program is a unique program. This is because you will be paid when the ad on your website link is clicked by visitors. Certain people who are willing to pay when their ad links clicked by a visitor on your website. You only need to provide advertising space on your site for this program hours.
5. Pay-Per-Search Affiliate Program
Pay-Per-Search Affiliate Program is similar to pay per click. The difference is only in the model only. Through inianda program will receive a fee if the visitors on your site looking for a program using
In this theorem, we will benefit if someone buys a product through our affiliate links. Examples of such transports ordinary produkyang marketed using this method is to sell ebooks or perisian. Usually, a gain of 80%. This advantage is usually determined by the affiliate merchants. There is also an affiliate merchants who set up their profits will pay less than 50%.
2. Returning Affiliate Program
In the program repeatedly, merchants affliate will provide benefits to us on a regular basis or periodically. Usually the program is offered to us because it comes with a product with a monthly fee. Examples are such as web hosting, autoresponder, or web site membership as class affiliation Despite the benefits obtained in small quantities but the program still provides benefits to us. why? This is because, we are able to receive benefits while paying subscribers each month. For example, we lihataffiliate class. To accompany this program we need to pay every month provided the product as much as $ 47. If we want to benefit from what we do, we only promote affiliate links using the class affiliation. Where if there are customers who like the class through a link afffiliate our affiliates, we will receive a profit every month.
3. Pay Per Lead Affiliate Program
Pay-per-lead type of affiliate programs that receive benefits for each prospect (lead) with certain eligibility that we bring to the merchant website through your affiliate link. Affiliate merchants will decide there are leads that we carry meet the requirements they set or not.
4. Pay-Per-Click Affiliate Program
Pay-Per-Click Affiliate Program is a unique program. This is because you will be paid when the ad on your website link is clicked by visitors. Certain people who are willing to pay when their ad links clicked by a visitor on your website. You only need to provide advertising space on your site for this program hours.
5. Pay-Per-Search Affiliate Program
Pay-Per-Search Affiliate Program is similar to pay per click. The difference is only in the model only. Through inianda program will receive a fee if the visitors on your site looking for a program using
The word comes from the English language Affiliate Affiliate meaning; join, bond, or commonly translated as an employment or business relationship. While Resellers can freely interpreted ulang.suatu people who sell products with a commission-sharing agreement with pemilikproduk. Affiliate System is a fast growing marketing systems in the world of eCommerce because of reliability in introducing some of the products in a short time and with biayayang cheap. A company that applies eCommerce affiliate system on the market system does not need to pay employees every month to sell its products. Because of the affiliation system, the company only pays to partners only when sold is the product of the division of profit commission under the contract system of employment and affiliasiyang used. Affiliate Program is a partnership program benefit offered by a society which markets the product. The word comes from the English language Affiliate Affiliate meaning; join, bond, or commonly translated as an employment or business relationship. While Resellers can freely interpreted ulang.suatu people who sell products with a commission-sharing agreement with pemilikproduk. Affiliate System is a fast growing marketing systems in the world of eCommerce because of reliability in introducing some of the products in a short time and with biayayang cheap. A company that applies eCommerce affiliate system on the market system does not need to pay employees every month to sell its products. Because of the affiliation system, the company only pays to partners only when sold is the product of the division of profit commission under the contract system of employment and affiliasiyang used. Affiliate Program is a partnership program benefit offered by a society which markets the product.
Pengertian Arti Istilah-istilah Kata Affiliate Marketing
Words merupkan following terms are often used / seen by us when joining an affiliate program marketing business. Here's a list of terms that I know:
1.PTC = Paid To Click That means we get paid when to click and view advertisements provided by affiliate sites where previously we had been a member.
2.PPC = Pay Per Click means we get paid when the ad was posted on the website / blog that we clicked.
1.PTC = Paid To Click That means we get paid when to click and view advertisements provided by affiliate sites where previously we had been a member.
2.PPC = Pay Per Click means we get paid when the ad was posted on the website / blog that we clicked.
3.PPS = Pay Per Sale means we get paid / commissions if we can sell products / services offered by affiliated companies. The payment system is the division of profits / we get a percentage of the price of products / services pages. In this case we as resellernya, as an example of a very famous company is the one
4.PPL = Pay Per Lead This means that we will be paid if we are able to recruit someone and then fill in the box provided registration form to become an affiliate member company. But the conditions we must first become a member.
5.CPC = Cost Per Click This understanding is tantamount to PTC, which means we get paid when the ad on the web / blog someone clicks on them. So the more clicks automatically thicken your pocket . The most famous example for today is Google Adsense.
6.CPM = Cost Per Million sich To my knowledge this using the display system Impression / PT, so we get paid when ads are inserted on the web / blog we have up to 1000 X in the show.
For those who can photoshop program, make banners and badges / chicklet is easy. To do a little lazy to exercise the brain-tweaking photoshop like I do not worry. On the internet many program providers chicklet maker and banner online for free and instant. As a logo, an opening or chicklet is a small banner as usual to distinguish the link-button on the sidebar of my blog. While banners are larger and usually placed in the header of your blog / website. Follow the guidelines for the logo / chicklet / banner below:
A. How to Make Chicklet
1. Visit
2. In the LEFT-BLOCKS (top left) is the menu "Text", replace the words "w3c" in the way you want. For example, writing a blog;
3. At RIGHTS-BLOCK (top right) is the menu "Text", replace the words "xhtml" dg dg distinguished according to your wishes, for example, "Tutorial"
4. In the produce-BUTTON (bottom right) click Generate Button. It would appear chicklet like this:
5. Now, mouse over the image, right click -> save picture as -> love the file name (example: blog-tutorial -> save it on your computer
6 When stored in the insert, the computer / upload pictures tsb chicklet at online sites like GooglePages .. . com In this case, the picture is stored in so chicklet pictures tsb address is blog .. tutorial.gif
Note: If not register GooglePages. com , you can only visit URL address and login with your gmail account.
7. Once saved online, you can use to suit your needs like to exchange links LinkButton dg another blogger friends, or just make an appearance in the sidebar.
Tip: the shape of the font and background colors can be changed according to taste. Simply click on the "color" and "background" on the site above.
B. How to Create an Online Banner
1. Visit the site
2. DESIGN A LOGO Click the menu (above).
3. On the menu select CHOOSE A LOGO DESIGN differentiated images such as, for example, click arise. 4. On the menu TEXT LOGO I write "Blog Tutorial"
5. Click LOGO DESIGN RENDER menu (below).
6. Save to a computer (how, right click image -> save picture as -> love the name of the file)
7. After that upload to yours. (See point A.5 and A.6).
Note: Uploading image / logo or banner image of course is not in, for your users can also upload on, at for blogspot users, or anywhere online for free hosting
A. How to Make Chicklet
1. Visit
2. In the LEFT-BLOCKS (top left) is the menu "Text", replace the words "w3c" in the way you want. For example, writing a blog;
3. At RIGHTS-BLOCK (top right) is the menu "Text", replace the words "xhtml" dg dg distinguished according to your wishes, for example, "Tutorial"
4. In the produce-BUTTON (bottom right) click Generate Button. It would appear chicklet like this:
5. Now, mouse over the image, right click -> save picture as -> love the file name (example: blog-tutorial -> save it on your computer
6 When stored in the insert, the computer / upload pictures tsb chicklet at online sites like GooglePages .. . com In this case, the picture is stored in so chicklet pictures tsb address is blog .. tutorial.gif
Note: If not register GooglePages. com , you can only visit URL address and login with your gmail account.
7. Once saved online, you can use to suit your needs like to exchange links LinkButton dg another blogger friends, or just make an appearance in the sidebar.
Tip: the shape of the font and background colors can be changed according to taste. Simply click on the "color" and "background" on the site above.
B. How to Create an Online Banner
1. Visit the site
2. DESIGN A LOGO Click the menu (above).
3. On the menu select CHOOSE A LOGO DESIGN differentiated images such as, for example, click arise. 4. On the menu TEXT LOGO I write "Blog Tutorial"
5. Click LOGO DESIGN RENDER menu (below).
6. Save to a computer (how, right click image -> save picture as -> love the name of the file)
7. After that upload to yours. (See point A.5 and A.6).
Note: Uploading image / logo or banner image of course is not in, for your users can also upload on, at for blogspot users, or anywhere online for free hosting
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